Health and Self-care made simple

More than 50% of Europeans web search for health information, and 80% of Europeans self-medicate. But the truth is that most people self-medicate by either guessing or using their gut. They will prove either lucky or wrong. thus works to bridge this e-health knowledge gap, and to make self-care and self-medicating easier, more transparent and safer.

Our teams create solutions that simplify the entire self-care experience of the people, and that transforms the whole experience of self-care and self-medication.


Online diagnosis tools experts have created a range of smart tests which are AI powered e-health tools that bring users precise answers to precise questions.

Smart tests generate highly personalized one to one contextualized content, and empower e-health consumers with clear, scientific and meaningful, self-care and self-medication advice.

Health and well-being data-driven solutions teams design 100% user centric solutions for pharma groups, H&B brands and retailers, insurance companies, e-medias, sports brands and clubs, e-pharma sites…, that simplify in real time the entire self-care and self-medicating experience of their clients.